Sunday 11 March 2012

Event 2 Beacon Fell Journey

Part 7 -8

Beacon Fell Journey

1. First stop was petrol for my car. On the way I passed a church and thought why not get some more gothic church research and textures (I was slightly disappointed when I went in because they hadn’t kept the gothic theme it was modern it had been refurbished, what a shame!)

2. I have passed these types of trees near my house for 21 years and it has taken me this long to realise how beautifully grown they are with ivy nicely rapped around them. I parked my car and went trigger happy with my new camera, I caught really good ivy textures and oak textures.

3.  When I was a kid (physically not mentally as we can all act more childish when we are older o.-) I used to go down to a river that was close to my house and throw rocks in or try to skim a thin rock on top of the water. I also used to try to go as far as I can up the river until the water was deep enough to flow over my wellingtons and of course look out for the neighbour’s geese that were never … EVER! friendly… I started to explore the area and came across beautiful picture and texture opportunities. It had exactly the theme I wanted for the river in my level as it was not too deep yet it had nice rock beds and moss.

4. After recounting my childhood memories I got back in my car I drove 5 minutes to Beckon Fell. I could have walked there but time was of the essence because it was midday and I had to beat the sunset to keep the good lighting.

These were taken at the same time but when I went deeper into the pine forest it got darker and gave a cold blue depressed feel.

Lovely roots that are rotten and overgrown with moss.

5. Most people will ignore this thrown away water pump in the steep sloped bushes but I didn’t. I dragged it out and cutting the heavy thorns to free it enabled me to get nice textures and inspiration from mechanisms.

6. This was part of the old bridge that went across the fish pond, on it grew some nice variation of mould.

7. I have a lot of these root pictures and I think I can spare 1 or 2 to public view…

8. And yes I was even there for sunset and got this nice picture.

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