Thursday 23 August 2012

Part 1Ma Semester 3 project

This semester I started to input the assets from Maya to UDK in order for it to be a playable level but I’m sure that I will get a lot of problems on the way.


2 There were a problem with the archways casting a shadow but I managed to solve it my merging archways together because of the directional lights size shadow filtering.

3. Face Normals fixed

10. LightMap fix


12. From this I realised how important light maps are for UDK. I fixed the ruined roof with a light map but it’s not shadowing onto the walls underneath because they don’t have light maps.

13. Fixing collision and lightmaps.

14. Found out why I had so many problems with my meshes. I didn’t save the map into the contents folder therefore all the meshes in the map were externally referenced.

15. I must now continue to fix all the light map issues and take that into consideration for the rest of my level.

16. Slowly getting there… Managed to fix all the light maps required so far.
