Friday 25 November 2011

Unwind with sketching

During the trip I managed to take a few pictures of fantastically twisted tree that inspired me to draw during the return bus journey with my sketch book, pencil (no rubber), camera and my legs tucked up to support my book I began to draw. This was drawn in 30 minutes on the bus, so it was a little shaky.

Whilst the knowledge was still fresh in my head I continued on to imagine up a creature that had the influence of the tree. I released during the drawing that the tree did look like muscles and so I formed the way the bark was detailed into looking like the muscle of a human (the humanoid tree took me 35 min on the bus). The other sketches I did at home. 

After the humanoid tree sketches I told myself off and returned to drawing environments. I applied the skills I learnt and tried out bits and pieces of scenery.

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