Part 9 - 10
1. I have known about this place since I was at Preston Collage. There are little nice green patches around Preston which sometimes are not taken care of with the grass allowed to overgrow a bit. I started this venture on a rare beautiful sunny day, I came across a variety of a colourful trees in bloom, it was a goldmine for textures of the bark, leaves and ground textures of the tree. (Leaves tend to fall on the floor creating a new texture inertly instead of just seeing simple grass.)
2. It’s depressing seeing people dump their unwanted materials into this green patch but it could have been worse… It could have been plastic, at least wood can slowly erode.
3. At least it’s only one small spot of the green patch, so never mind I did get some really good textures and inspirational photos.
4. This is the naturally formed bridge I used to get across. I felt it was like being a gymnast on a balancing beam but without the leotard. I managed to get a couple of good textures from this area such as the rotten tree trunk close to the water, also moss, mushrooms and more.
5. After the high wire act I came across many really inspirational types of vegetation near the river together with the walls that support the cliffs. The walls have been overgrown with mould, fungi, plants and roots that gave me really lovely textures. I managed to get textures of the long thick leaf type grass that will make a good texture for my level as it is based in this kind of environment.
6. After my tree hugger episode I climbed the other side of the V shaped valley into the green patch and found a thrown away rusted metal sheet. It was over a barb wire fence but I still got good quality photograph from it. This will be all over the level as random scrap metal is left unattended and it will look like someone or something has been moving bits around.