Friday, 23 March 2012

Event 3 Preston Green Patch

 Part 9 - 10

1. I have known about this place since I was at Preston Collage. There are little nice green patches around Preston which sometimes are not taken care of with the grass allowed to overgrow a bit. I started this venture on a rare beautiful sunny day, I came across a variety of a colourful trees in bloom, it was a goldmine for textures of the bark, leaves and ground textures of the tree. (Leaves tend to fall on the floor creating a new texture inertly instead of just seeing simple grass.)      

2. It’s depressing seeing people dump their unwanted materials into this green patch but it could have been worse… It could have been plastic, at least wood can slowly erode.

3.  At least it’s only one small spot of the green patch, so never mind I did get some really good textures and inspirational photos.

4. This is the naturally formed bridge I used to get across. I felt it was like being a gymnast on a balancing beam but without the leotard. I managed to get a couple of good textures from this area such as the rotten tree trunk close to the water, also moss, mushrooms and more.

5. After the high wire act I came across many really inspirational types of vegetation near the river together with the walls that support the cliffs. The walls have been overgrown with mould, fungi, plants and roots that gave me really lovely textures. I managed to get textures of the long thick leaf type grass that will make a good texture for my level as it is based in this kind of environment.

6. After my tree hugger episode I climbed the other side of the V shaped valley into the green patch and found a thrown away rusted metal sheet. It was over a barb wire fence but I still got good quality photograph from it. This will be all over the level as random scrap metal is left unattended and it will look like someone or something has been moving bits around.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Part 9

1. Pipes problem. Found out that the pipes were not inline to the grid properly.



4. Maya crashed and the save file didn’t rescue the scene. =(

5. I had to create two more pipes because the 5 edged pipes sides weren’t even.


7. Redid the broken tiled UV maps.

8. I had to then re- arrange the tiles for the third time. 

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Part 8

  1. Planning of the surround environment (the blue cone is the players start) it will be woodland and there will be a river at the side of the path. From this point I did get a lot of very useful tips in the lectures (and the personal talk I had with the lectures) from Alien Apple Studios regarding the flow of the level and evening the tall temple structure with a steep cliff to balance the scene.

2. Creating the entrance to the temple.




7. Rocks, rocks and more rocks.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Event 2 Beacon Fell Journey

Part 7 -8

Beacon Fell Journey

1. First stop was petrol for my car. On the way I passed a church and thought why not get some more gothic church research and textures (I was slightly disappointed when I went in because they hadn’t kept the gothic theme it was modern it had been refurbished, what a shame!)

2. I have passed these types of trees near my house for 21 years and it has taken me this long to realise how beautifully grown they are with ivy nicely rapped around them. I parked my car and went trigger happy with my new camera, I caught really good ivy textures and oak textures.

3.  When I was a kid (physically not mentally as we can all act more childish when we are older o.-) I used to go down to a river that was close to my house and throw rocks in or try to skim a thin rock on top of the water. I also used to try to go as far as I can up the river until the water was deep enough to flow over my wellingtons and of course look out for the neighbour’s geese that were never … EVER! friendly… I started to explore the area and came across beautiful picture and texture opportunities. It had exactly the theme I wanted for the river in my level as it was not too deep yet it had nice rock beds and moss.

4. After recounting my childhood memories I got back in my car I drove 5 minutes to Beckon Fell. I could have walked there but time was of the essence because it was midday and I had to beat the sunset to keep the good lighting.

These were taken at the same time but when I went deeper into the pine forest it got darker and gave a cold blue depressed feel.

Lovely roots that are rotten and overgrown with moss.

5. Most people will ignore this thrown away water pump in the steep sloped bushes but I didn’t. I dragged it out and cutting the heavy thorns to free it enabled me to get nice textures and inspiration from mechanisms.

6. This was part of the old bridge that went across the fish pond, on it grew some nice variation of mould.

7. I have a lot of these root pictures and I think I can spare 1 or 2 to public view…

8. And yes I was even there for sunset and got this nice picture.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Part 7

Part 7

1. Re-designing the ruined roof.


3. Re-designing the front of the temple.

4. Uv Map (The checker board texture really helps to make sure it doesn’t skew the texture.)

5. Old one was 329 and the new one is 384 tris.

6. Uv mapping the top of the ruined roof.



 9. Archway redesigned. Richard White a graduated games student explained to me that the archways’ didn’t look right and there weren’t any supports between each archway. I took his feedback into consideration and re-designed the archways and made them look taller and simplistic enough to look like branches of a tree. (started to reference archways) 


11. Liking the new archways.

 12. Old


13. Problem with new archways.

14. Fatal geometry problems! Edges are sawn together yet in append to polygon mode it shows they are not and there is other unexplained problems.

 15. Re-build.