Monday, 26 September 2011

The Journey Begins

My name is Samuel Slater, this blog is going to be about my MA Games Design journey. There will be ups and downs and maybe an emotional experience. There will be times when I compare myself to other fantastic artists and 3D modellers. I will no doubt be jealous of other concepts and themes because they look way better than my work, but the harsh reality is that there is someone always better than you, so I see this as a learning curve to help me progress further in my studies.

I started drawing in 2008 and started 3D modelling in 2009. During the years learning games design I have improved my skills in concept art in order to reflect my 3D modelling texture skills. My target was to hand draw textures with photo shop default brushes and this is the result so far.

Example of character concept art…
Example of environment concept art

Example of a 3D environment (textures done with Default brushes)
In ten days I quickly learnt UDK and put my temple level in.(Breakable Environment)
This was my side project…(hand drawn texture using default brushes)
(This is some of my third year work)